The darker side of the pandemic in Perú

violence against women, children and adolescents


  • Martiniano Reyes Olivo Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA)
  • Rony Mendez Soto San Antonio Abad del Cusco National University
  • Noland Gallegos Cuéllar Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes



violence against women, family violence, violence against children and adolescents, pandemic, COVID-19.


It is well known that the global health crisis has affected the different aspects of human life: economy, education, health, among others, causing the attention of world public opinion to be focused on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the other pandemic in the shadows, the escalation of violence against women, children and adolescents, has taken a back seat, showing alarming figures that have put on the table again the debate on whether the solution to the problem is to radicalize the legal-police type measures or whether it should be faced as a public health problem with a gender approach that allows getting to the roots of the problem that point to the dismantling of a patriarchal social structure based on power relations and domination over women and minors.  The present research was carried out under a qualitative approach with a documentary review methodology of narrative type, nourished by primary and secondary sources of information. The design was a cross-sectional study conducted in the year 2020 with a non-experimental level. The objective of this work was to know the current status of the situation of violence against women, children and adolescents in Peru.

Author Biographies

Rony Mendez Soto, San Antonio Abad del Cusco National University

Rony Mendez Soto.  Attorney at Law with a Master's Degree in Law. With more than 10 years of professional experience. University Professor and currently a Criminal Judge of the Peruvian justice system. He has worked as Prosecutor of the Public Ministry, Legal Consultant of the Municipality of Andahuaylas, Department of Apurimac. Peru.

Noland Gallegos Cuéllar, Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes

Lawyer. With a Master's Degree in Human Rights of Women and Children and Adolescents. With more than ten years of work experience. Currently working as a national prosecutor in the juvenile court of Andahuaylas, department of Apurimac. Peru.


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How to Cite

Reyes Olivo, M., Mendez Soto, R. ., & Gallegos Cuéllar, N. (2021). The darker side of the pandemic in Perú: violence against women, children and adolescents. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(3), 45–63.