Ethics Policy

Code of ethics:

Based on some guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics as well as some elements provided in the prestigious Elsevier's Publishing Ethics Resource Kit, we direct our ethics policy to identify plagiarism, bad practices, fraud or possible violations.
Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies stipulates compliance with the provisions on: plagiarism, authorship, originality of the manuscript, conflict of interest, and research fraud, and other ethical aspects.

Plagiarism: The journal will not tolerate any type of plagiarism. Articles detected with plagiarism through our verification software are rejected in Desk Review. Plagiarism involves copying text, ideas, images, or data from another source (even your own publications) without attributing the original source.

Authorship: By submitting the article, the author accepts the clause that the article is legitimately authored by him and the other listed authors. In the end, authors must declare the percentage of participation of each one in the article elaboration. Possible clarifications on authorship may be requested at any time if so determined by the Editorial board.

Originality: Republishing non-novel content is not permitted (even if it is the translation of a previous article). Concurrent submissions to multiple journals are not permitted. Any content within the manuscript that has been previously published must be properly cited with attributions.

Conflict of Interest: Any fact that might be considered a conflict of interest must be disclosed by the author in the submission.

Transparency and Openness: authors are required to make available the data used in their research, either voluntarily from the beginning of the submission or whenever required by the editorial committee and/or any external reviewer who participates in our community.

Ethical considerations of non-interventional research: For non-interventional studies (e.g. surveys, questionnaires, social media research), all participants must be fully informed if anonymity is assured, why the research is being conducted, how their data will be used, and if there are any risks associated.

Ethical considerations for studies involving human participants: For all research involving humans, ethical approval from an appropriate ethics committee must be obtained prior to conducting the study. If ethical approval is not required, authors must either provide an exemption from the ethics committee or are encouraged to cite the local or national legislation that indicates ethics approval is not required for this type of study.

Ethical considerations for studies involving animals: The authors should follow international, national, or institutional guidelines for the Use of Animals in research. A scientific ethics committee must approve studies at the author's institution or locality. It is recommended to add a statement to clarify the ethical property of the research. For example:

"Animal care and handling procedures followed the Ethics Committee's guidelines on the Use of Animals in Experiments. (Include committee name and authorization number)."

Source of funding: If necessary, the authors must make a brief statement declaring the origin of the research incentive funds and the institutional role of the financier.

The editorial team will not tolerate any behavior that violates our ethical policy.