An approach to experience marketing as a tool to strengthen SMEs: case of the Boutique BR business in Querétaro




Marketing experiences, customer, emotions, experience, perception


The present study was carried out in order to identify the usefulness of experience marketing, based on the analysis of the perception that customers have of a boutique and what their experience is within it, so that in this way the wishes of customers are identified. the clients. Therefore, it was sought to analyze that 50% of customers perceive an exciting and fun experience when buying products within the boutique. The method used was deductive and the research design was carried out with a quantitative and descriptive approach, since it is intended to describe the perception that people show regarding their experience when shopping at Boutique BR Among the results obtained, it is observed that only 34% of customers perceive an exciting experience when shopping at the boutique, therefore the hypothesis raised in the research is not accepted; However, it is concluded that activities such as customer service and attention should continue to be implemented, have more variety of products and offers, to continue generating positive experiences in customers and increase the number of them with a perception of exciting experience.


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How to Cite

Cruz Manzano, D., & González Trujillo, G. G. T. (2021). An approach to experience marketing as a tool to strengthen SMEs: case of the Boutique BR business in Querétaro. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 154–164.