Biodiversity expenditure review in the state of Pernambuco - Brazil
BIOFIN, Economia Ambiental, Gastos PúblicosAbstract
The Finance for Biodiversity Initiative (BIOFIN) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) assists governments in improving biodiversity conservation policies. In this work, the BIOFIN approach was applied in the assessment of expenditure on biodiversity in the State of Pernambuco, more specifically, the stage of review of expenditure on biodiversity (BER). State public expenditures between 2008 and 2021 were analyzed, selecting programs and actions directly or indirectly related to biodiversity. Total expenditure on biodiversity about GDP represented an average of 0.168%, and the State’s total expenditure, an average of 1.024%. In relation to GDP, direct expenditures on biodiversity represented an average of 0.007%, and the state's total expenditures, on average, 0.040%. Of the total expenditure on biodiversity, only 4.1% is direct expenditure. Thus, we see a framework of underfunding for biodiversity in Pernambuco. Therefore, innovative financing mechanisms need to be established to close this enormous gap.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Wilson Barbosa da Silva Júnior, Beatriz Oliveira Gomes Florencio, Luizmar Vidal de Negreiros, Carlos Eduardo Menezes da Silva

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