Legal Institute of Prescription established in Law No. 125/1991 of Paraguay and its concordance with the Constitutional Principles


  • Joelma Cordeiro Candido Universidad Nacional de Educación Distancia (UNED), Investigador en Formación de la Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la UNED



Prescription - Examination - Tax Administration, Interruption, Suspension


The content of this work is about the Legal Institute of the Prescription established in Law No. 125/1991 and its agreement with the Constitutional Norms of the Republic of Paraguay. The legal institute of the prescription in the field of Tax Law consists in the loss of the right to activate the collection of the main obligation and its accessories; it differs from private law due to the unavailability and in terms of expiration due to the causes of interruption, The scope in Law 125 regulated in Art. 164º consists in the extinction of the right to activate the collection and the accessories, as well as the penalties for infractions. In fact, it does not operate ex officio; it must be promoted by the interested party by way of the exception under Art. 167º which establishes the subsistence of the natural obligation, it differs from the comparative legislation in which it operates automatically.

Author Biography

Joelma Cordeiro Candido, Universidad Nacional de Educación Distancia (UNED), Investigador en Formación de la Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la UNED

Universidad Nacional de Educación Distancia (UNED), Investigador en Formación de la Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la UNED


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How to Cite

Cordeiro Candido, J. (2022). Legal Institute of Prescription established in Law No. 125/1991 of Paraguay and its concordance with the Constitutional Principles. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1), 369–377.