Inventory control and distribution system in an agricultural cooperative




Inventory control, Distribution system, Purchases, Reception, Storage.


The objective of this study was to determine how inventory control is related to the distribution system of the El Gran Saposoa Agrarian Cooperative, 2021. A type of applied research, non-experimental design, cross-sectional, descriptive level was used. correlational. For data collection, a population of 113 collaborators was determined and 56 as a sample, the survey technique was applied and the questionnaire as an instrument. For the presentation of the results, a descriptive and inferential analysis was used, which revealed that the inventory control presents a regular level in 64%, in the same way the distribution system in 61%. Therefore, it is concluded that inventory control is directly and significantly related to the distribution system of the El Gran Saposoa Agrarian Cooperative, given that a p-value=0.00<0.05 was obtained, and a correlation coefficient strong positive Pearson's R of 0.824. This indicates that when inventory control presents an increasing behavior, the distribution system tends to grow. Similarly, the effect size showed that inventory control influences 67.8% in the distribution system.

Author Biographies

Nieves del Pilar Pizzan Tomanguillo, CNL ASESORES


José Alfredo Reátegui Salas, CNL ASESORES - Perú


Carlos Daniel Rosales Bardalez, Universidad Peruana Unión – Perú

Universidad Peruana Unión – Perú


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How to Cite

Pizzan Tomanguillo, N. del P., Reátegui Salas, J. A., & Rosales Bardalez, C. D. (2022). Inventory control and distribution system in an agricultural cooperative. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1), 667–679.



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