Political regimes stability and foreign direct investment, period 1969 to 2008
Political regimes , foreign direct investment, democratic political regime, authoritarian political regimeAbstract
The objective of this research is to determine the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the stability of democratic and authoritarian political regimes. Foreign direct investment has been studied from various angles, from economics and a few others from political science. This essay is from political science; therefore, it tries to fill certain gaps in the literature, starting with an a priori idea: the upward trend of FDI leads to greater stability of political regimes. This research establishes the political regimes stability as the dependent variable, while foreign direct investment is established as the preponderant independent variable. This research was carried out in 192 countries using the survival analysis methodology. According to the results obtained, on one hand, the increase in FDI has a positive effect on the political regimes stability. On the other hand, strong democracies are the most important for attracting FDI, in which the most important political regime is parliamentary democracies.
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