Science teachers’ experiences on ICT integration: challenges, coping mechanisms, and opportunities




ICT Integration, ICT Integration Challenges, ICT Integration Opportunities


This study was undertaken to investigate the challenges experienced, coping mechanisms employed by, and opportunities for possible intervention schemes to help science teachers in their pedagogical integration of ICT in their classroom instruction. This study was conducted in Magsaysay North District of the Division of Davao del Sur last August through October of 2019. This was participated by 10 science teachers, 4 science coordinators, and 1 district science coordinator. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions using a semi-structured interview guide questionnaire. Colaizzi's method was used for qualitative data analysis. Responses show that teachers’ challenges in integrating ICT were classified as either self-level or institution-level barriers. Teachers’ coping mechanisms include self-training and support, collaboration with colleagues and knowledgeable others, as well as, time management and self-organization. Opportunities for possible intervention schemes provided by the focus group include inclusive teacher training and professional development, procurement of sufficient ICT infrastructure, installation and updating of relevant educational software. Science teachers undeniably experienced challenges in their utilization of ICT in their instruction but were also able to employ strategies to circumvent such setbacks. With further significant interventions, they can be helped to improve their practice.

Author Biography

Reynato Jr. Alpuerto, Teacher III

Graduate student, Secondary School Teacher at Department of Education-Philippines


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How to Cite

Alpuerto, R. J. (2022). Science teachers’ experiences on ICT integration: challenges, coping mechanisms, and opportunities. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 136–145.



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