E-government services and user satisfaction in a municipality
e-government services, user satisfaction, digital platformsAbstract
The general purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between e-government services and user satisfaction in a district municipality, San Martín, 2021. Regarding the methodological aspect, it is of a basic type and non-experimental design. The sample consisted of 145 users from a district municipality, the sampling was probabilistic, whose applied instrument was the questionnaire. General results: The level of e-government services is 75% average because users do not have updated data, which affects the correct completion of requests and procedures, which are not properly registered and programmed. The level of user satisfaction in a district municipality, San Martín, is 77% average. The relationship between the dimensions of e-government services and user satisfaction in a district municipality, San Martín, is significant, with a bilateral significance of 0.000 and a level of Spearman's Rho determining coefficient of 0.597; 0.351; 0.457 and 0.509. Conclusion: e-government services and user satisfaction have a significant relationship, given that the obtained bilateral significance of .000 and a Spearman Rho correlation coefficient of 701.
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