School management from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4
a study of the insertion of the 2030 Agenda in municipal schools of São Paulo between 2017-2019
Agenda 2030, School Management, Educational Politics, São PauloAbstract
This case study aims to understand a school management process based on the 2030 Agenda, especially the Sustainable Development Objective 4 (ODS4), aimed at municipal schools in São Paulo. The Municipal Secretariat of Education, through the Regional Teaching Stations presents a new pedagogical curriculum - City Curriculum (CC) - to its schools - which declares to receive the Agenda 2030. As a result, we have as main question: to what extent the CC contributes to better school management in those schools in urban peripheries with indicators of social and environmental vulnerability without conflicting with the implementation of the Common National Curricular Base (BNCC) which is already in the process of being implemented. As methodological procedures, official documents were analyzed verifying its implementation of this new curriculum in schools. As a result we obtained that the CC seeks to innovate in the elaboration of the Pedagogical Political Projects of the school units when inserting (SDGs) contained in the Agenda 2030, and also, the compatibility of these with the BNCC which has a set of didactic, pedagogical guidelines, structuring the coordination and school management. We conclude that the curriculum can indeed contribute to another form of school management, however, at this moment, it is not possible to verify qualitatively what are the real benefits arising from this new form of management, as there are no indicators on the quality of teaching and learning aimed at a defense and environmental protection in schools and their direct positive externalities for the surrounding community.
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