Economic feasibility study for the installation of an air quality monitoring system based on a sensory network
Economic viability, monitoring system, air quality, sensory networkAbstract
The present article allows to know the cost benefit and the causality of the implementation of a sensory network for air quality measurement. The implementation through the definition of the logical framework matrix, allows us to frame the objectives set towards an operational structure. The structure will be based on indicators that make it possible to quantify the implementation and evaluation processes. The technology to which it is aimed is Free Software, so that the scalability of the system is allowed without being linked to costly industrial standards, respecting environmental legislation. The definition and distinction of the type of cost will allow future authors to frame this information for the implementation of development projects. In the same way, a percentage of progress is defined based on what causes the contamination and entities that could be responsible for pilots are defined, framed in the active collaboration of the academy as the guiding axis of the advance and technical development underpinned towards the well-being of the community. community.
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Copyright (c) 2022 José Luis Sampietro-Saquicela, Joseph Eli Izquierdo-Obando, Maribel Trinidad Pico-Plaza, Carlos Simón Plata-Cabrera, Karla Fernanda Solis-Charcopa, Rafael Anibal Intriago-Mera, Andrea Katherine Quintero-Estrada, Leonela Del Rocio De La A Salinas, Mariana Gabriela Quintero-Quiñónez

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