Electrification in rural areas through the use of IOT technologies and classical methods: case of study of the Chachi-Esmeraldas community
Photovoltaic systems, technology, electrification, production, market, consumptionAbstract
This paper focuses on identifying the main characteristics of the Chachi community within the province of Esmeraldas. Once their main activities have been identified, always focused on the conservation of their ancestral customs, a logical framework matrix will be proposed as the beginning of a project that seeks their inclusion in modern economic activities, based on the products that they themselves produce, that is, the technification of these processes. For this, first it must be ensured that the community has access to electricity, which will be distributed in the project through the method of implementation of photovoltaic energy. This inclusion, without putting at risk the historical memory of the people, has the philosophy that the products that are created in a craft way, can be produced in a greater quantity and in a more economical way to include them in the commercialization of the local markets. Finally, it should be announced that this would be a project based on an agreement between CELEC EP Termoesmeraldas Business Unit and the GADPE of the same province.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Cindy Johanna Choez Calderón, José Luis Sampietro-Saquicela, Luis Adrián González-Quiñonez , José Luis Guzmán-López, Martha Leticia Moreno-Samaniego, Joseph Eli Izquierdo-Obando, Jenniffer Verónica Bautista Angulo, Carlos Patricio Arroyo-Vilela, Jorge Gabriel Checa Burgos
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