Educational expectations to enter the Higher Education of the Entity of Querétaro




educational expectations, high school, higher education, competencies


The objective of the research consisted of describing the educational expectations to enter Higher Education (HE) in Querétaro State, based on the reality that applicants have at the time of completing the High School (HS). The objective was fulfilled, since the reality of the HS students is described, which generate expectations towards Higher Education, not only to achieve academic goals, otherwise to develop skills that allow narrowing the gap between the aspiration and the achievement possibility of personal and professional growth to be fulfilled in a job development and an entrepreneurial context. The research design was carried out through a quantitative and descriptive configuration. The population sample consisted of 375 graduates of the HS at the end of the 2020-21 academic year out of a population of 15,465 from the Cities of Querétaro, San Juan Del Río and El Marqués from Querétaro State. The research hypotheses were fulfilled, since 100% of HS students are interested in entering the HE, more than 80% wish to study under a classroom face-to-face modality and more than 20% of the HS students are interested in Bachelor's degrees that include English proficiency. It is concluded that the HS students are more interested in Bachelor's degrees that are related to administration, technology and data management, as well as the main sectors of the region.

Author Biographies

Gerardo González Trujillo, Universidad Politécnica de Querétaro - México

Universidad Politécnica de Querétaro - México

Deyanira Cruz Manzano , Universidad Politécnica de Querétaro – México

Universidad Politécnica de Querétaro – México


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How to Cite

González Trujillo, G. ., & Cruz Manzano , D. . (2022). Educational expectations to enter the Higher Education of the Entity of Querétaro. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 27–37.



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