Critical reflections regarding the humanist curricular approach: a holistic view of being
Humanist, Curriculum, Holistic, TrainingAbstract
The objective of this document is to analyze different theoretical conceptions about the humanistic curricular approach, presenting a critical reflection of man as a holistic being and central axis of the teaching-learning process, emphasizing the importance of critically reviewing our role in society, beliefs and convictions that are part of humanist training. From this perspective, a hermeneutic-interpretive methodology is approached where it is sought to interpret each of the appreciations of recognized authors in order to incorporate new critical perspectives on the aforementioned topic and promote their reflection. With this, a deeper explanation on the subject is sought, trying to change our teaching perspective and what we should really teach, taking into account certain criteria that will help personally and professionally. Finally, it can be said that the humanistic curricular approach from this point of view sees the student as that person capable of taking responsibility and controlling their own learning, in favor of new strategies that facilitate globalizing and self-determining adversarial conditions of all knowledge and sources that are required to promote innovative research.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Claudia Beatriz Díaz González, Jennifer Angarita Valencia, Álvaro Augusto Berrocal Hernández
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