MESH network as an alternative model of connectivity in higher education institutions, case study Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas Technical University
Wireless networks, Mesh technology, connectivityAbstract
This article is focused on determining the benefits of implementing a network with MESH technology in the wireless networks of the Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres in order to improve its connectivity. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative and quantitative research paradigm was used, through the application of survey and interview techniques that allowed the collection of information needed for the development of this study. Likewise, a systemic bibliographic methodology was used, which consisted of a review of previous studies such as articles, books, reports, magazines, web pages, etc. that made it possible to theoretically support the research. As a result, it was obtained that most of the students and teachers of the UTELVT consider that coverage is one of the aspects that delimit the optimal functioning of the network. Unlike a small percentage who indicate that it is the speed of navigation, equally, a large number of students stated that the coverage of the institution is regular, as opposed to a smaller percentage who indicate that the coverage of the wireless internet service is good. In effect, the above mentioned allowed us to conclude that MESH networks can provide a solution to all coverage problems within a large area. Basically, most of the coverage problems are related to the use of the appropriate infrastructure. For this reason, currently MESH networks are being implemented with the purpose of solving each of the security, connectivity and transmission speed disadvantages presented by the most used wireless networks so far.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rómulo Jurado-Calero, Cinthya Castillo-Montes, Miryan Verónica Vera Mera, Patricia Salgado Ortiz
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