Tax culture and compliance with the tax obligations of the MYPES of the district of San José de Lourdes, 2021


  • Rosela María José Dávila Barboza Universidad Cesar Vallejo – Perú
  • Edsón Jhoan Pintado Calle Universidad Cesar Vallejo – Perú



tax obligations, tax awareness and culture.


The title of the research was Tax culture and compliance with the tax obligations of the MYPES of the district of San José de Lourdes, 2021, with the general objective being to identify the relationship between the variables, for which basic type research was used. non-experimental design with a cross-sectional scope, a quantitative approach and a correlational level; being the population 67 entrepreneurs and the sample a fraction of the population that were 53; It was found that the tax culture and compliance with tax obligations variables have a relationship index of 0.711, this being high, so it is concluded that both variables are related and that if the tax culture improves, compliance with tax obligations will improve.

Author Biographies

Rosela María José Dávila Barboza, Universidad Cesar Vallejo – Perú

Universidad Cesar Vallejo – Perú

Edsón Jhoan Pintado Calle, Universidad Cesar Vallejo – Perú

Universidad Cesar Vallejo – Perú


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How to Cite

Dávila Barboza, R. M. J. ., & Pintado Calle, E. J. . (2022). Tax culture and compliance with the tax obligations of the MYPES of the district of San José de Lourdes, 2021. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 266–272.



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