Infrastructure automation based on free software: an instrumental proposal




Automation, infrastructure, cloud, free software


The present research was developed with the aim of analyzing the different cloud tools for the automation of infrastructures under the context of free software code and with it to present a prototype for the Salesian Educational Unit "María Auxiliadora"-Esmeraldas. The Design Science Research (DSR) methodology was applied to the information gathering, based on collecting theoretical bases and background information. The instruments used were surveys with dichotomous questions and analysis of the data of the infrastructure of the institution's network, which allowed measuring the availability of services through the Kuder Richardson scale with a 0.83 of very high reliability and validity. To perform the environment test, with the tools previously analyzed and selected according to the requirements of the research which were: Terraform for the definition of infrastructure, AWS as a cloud provider, GitHub for version control, packer for image creation and ansible for infrastructure automation, where as a result we obtained a cloud infrastructure adaptable to any requirement. The research allows us to conclude that infrastructures like code speed up the creation of services, all configuration and information are hosted in the cloud and are reliable, secure and above all cost saving unlike traditional infrastructures. This is because services that are hosted in the cloud are available 24/7 and do not suffer from data loss since all services are backed up.

Author Biographies

Cindy Johana Choez Calderón , Docente de la UTLVTE del SNNA

Docente de la UTLVTE del SNNA - Ecuador

Washington Junior González Santana , Sociólogo/ Estudiante Posgrado

Sociólogo/ Estudiante Posgrado - Ecuador

Lía Jenny Montaño Cabezas, ASISTENTE de la UTLVTE

ASISTENTE de la UTLVTE - Ecuador

Alex Eduardo Pita Arizaga , Asistente Fiscalía General del Estado

Asistente Fiscalía General del Estado - Ecuador

Nay Lee Mojarrango Perlaza, Docente de la UTLVTE del SNNA

Docente de la UTLVTE del SNNA - Ecuador


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How to Cite

Choez Calderón , C. J., González Santana , W. J. ., Montaño Cabezas, . L. J. ., Pita Arizaga , A. E., & Mojarrango Perlaza, N. L. . (2022). Infrastructure automation based on free software: an instrumental proposal. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 346–361.



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