Nursing care process applied to a patient undergoing craniotomy for meningioma: clinical case study
nursing care, postoperative, craniotomy, meningioma.Abstract
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research is to apply the Nursing Care Process (PAE) in the postoperative stage of the patient undergoing craniotomy. METHOD: Analysis of the application of the Nursing Care Process (PAE) through the study of a clinical case of a patient undergoing meningioma craniotomy, where priority is given to ECP and interventions by health personnel. The data analysis will be carried out through a descriptive design with a qualitative approach, since it is intended to demonstrate the knowledge about craniotomy care, which will allow determining if the patient received the appropriate care for their recovery. RESULTS: With the application of the PAE, an improvement in the care of health personnel in patients undergoing craniotomy is achieved in order to focus care on the main causes of medical complications and provide optimal care in these patients and at the same time lay the foundations of prioritized care in this intervention that is very common in the hospital field. CONCLUSIONS: it is important to prioritize those care that mean care oriented more to the risk of possible alterations or pathologies adjacent to the surgery, then take into account the real factors since the patient will leave the surgical intervention slightly compensated and the nursing objective is to maintain and improve that state of the patient through the Nursing Care Process (PAE), hierarchizing the fundamental needs.
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Copyright (c) 2022 María Belén Sailema Ronquillo, Ana Pamela Pachucho Flores , Martha Lucia Guallichico Maura , Lorena Paola Jaya Larraga

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