Care of neonatal patients infected by COVID-19
Newborns, Covid-19, Patient management, TransmissionAbstract
Introduction: The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that causes hundreds of deaths worldwide that requires specialized care that contributes to the reduction of clinical aggravations in all infected patients. Objective: To identify the health measures applied in the care of neonatal patients infected with COVID-19, based on a systematic review. Methods: A systematic review was carried out, through the selection of 24 academic articles published in the last five years, adjusted to the search keywords and exclusion and inclusion criteria considered for the election. The information was collected through a search for articles in specialized sources retrieved through the following international databases: PubMed, Scielo and Elseiver. Results: In most of the selected works, they state that the attention directed to newborns infected by COVID-19, focused on providing preventive care such as monitoring vital signs, application of physical means to preserve thermoregulation, isolation, taking samples by swabs every 48 hours, until contagion is ruled out and the administration of respective medications in order to prevent respiratory complications after infection. Conclusion: Efficient and timely care aimed at caring for the hemodynamic status of neonates facilitated the continuity of breastfeeding in the midst of the pandemic situation.
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