Stressors that affect the normal development of care functions in health personnel
Stress. Health personnel. Nursing. Attendance.Abstract
Introduction: Labor stressors are those related to the working conditions that come from the relationship between the worker and his work functions, leading to psychological disorders or physical damage within the health personnel, which can lead to absenteeism or lack of performance. job functions. Objective: To identify the stressors that affect the normal development of care functions in nursing staff. Methodology: a descriptive design, quantitative cross-sectional approach was used, 101 nurses who work in different services of the Ambato General Hospital were inquired through the Occupational Stress Questionnaire for Nursing. Results: the main results show that 96% correspond to the female gender, married (58%) and range from 31 to 40 years; services with the highest participation: surgical center (25%), neonatology (15%) and ICU (13%) with a working time of less than 1 year. 61% cannot perform their nursing tasks and do not share feelings with other colleagues, 70% presented psychological stressors related to the death and suffering of a patient, finally 58% of nurses ever presented social stressors referring to criticism from a doctor. Conclusion: Considering the stressors mentioned, it was identified that the main sources of absenteeism of health personnel are closely linked to psychological stressors linked to the death of a patient, fear of making mistakes in their care and the controversy of lack of personnel or help to other services, hindering the normal development of the function in health care.
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