Proposal of prevention strategies for musculoskeletal diseases in farmers


  • Valeria Michelle Puente Rodríguez Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador
  • José Luis Herrera López Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador



farmers, musculoskeletal disorders, upper limbs, repetitive movements


Introduction: Agriculture is the rural occupation with the greatest exposure to physical load, so it has a greater risk of generating musculoskeletal diseases because they maintain uncomfortable or inadequate postures due to long working hours, heavy, repetitive, and monotonous work. Methodology: The research was quantitative, descriptive, and cross- sectional. The OCRA questionnaire, which assesses exposure to repetitive movements of the upper limbs, and the probability of presenting related problems, was used. For the analysis, the statistical software SPSS version 24 for Windows was used, an analysis of the information required to establish a proposal for the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases in farmers was carried out, analyzing each risk factor to which they are exposed obtained from the applied questionnaire, and providing a strategy for each of them, translating this into a flowchart. Results: It was identified that at the level of the right and left arm, farmers present a high level of risk of presenting muscular pathologies (100%) due to work, in addition, of a total of 60 farmers, more than 70% present risk activities such as carrying out extensive work cycles, without respective breaks, with rapid movements, inadequate positions, weight gain, application of intense force or forced postures. Conclusion: A proposal was developed that contains strategies applicable in farmers, through the diagnosis of the ergonomic risks presented, and the level of risk of developing musculoskeletal diseases.

Author Biographies

Valeria Michelle Puente Rodríguez, Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador

Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador

José Luis Herrera López, Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador

Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador


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How to Cite

Puente Rodríguez, V. M. ., & Herrera López, J. L. . (2022). Proposal of prevention strategies for musculoskeletal diseases in farmers. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(5), 16–24.