Essential reflections: hospital pedagogical situation in the Esmeraldas Canton
Pedagogia, hospital, programa, hospitalizadoAbstract
This article addresses a series of essential reflections on the concept of hospital pedagogy, its approach and emphasis on the game, adding some comments on the relevance of the hospital educator role from the experience observed at the Delfina Torres Viuda de Concha Hospital in the city of emeralds. Providing pedagogical care to hospitalized children allows them not to fall behind in their studies, with this they will be able to keep up with their years of study, taking advantage of the time and resources provided to them during their stay in the hospital. The research is based on the method of content analysis and the inductive-deductive method to develop a series of analyzes and reflections on the topics addressed, stating that the province of Esmeraldas does not have a program of hospital pedagogical care, aimed at hospitalized patients, The general objective was to analyze the expectation of hospital pedagogical care in the province of Esmeraldas, as well as to determine the hospital pedagogical situation of the province of Esmeraldas. It is concluded that the disease does not remove the subject status of these children, so they have the same educational right as other children and that is why hospital pedagogy seeks to guarantee compliance with it.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jonathan Josué Núñez Gamboa, Natasha Jasmín Morillo Cabrera, María José Gómez Mendoza, Tanya Estefanía Ordoñez Oñate, Antonia Michelle Abad Saquicela

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