Family experience in caring for a patient with gastric carcinoma
Caregivers, Stomach Neoplasms, PatientsAbstract
Introduction: The family experience in the care of a patient with gastric carcinoma is of great importance because it explores the experience of caregivers, which makes it possible to understand the integrality of the process of this disease, from a different perspective than that known by the staff of health. Objectives: To categorize the lived experience of caregivers of patients with gastric carcinoma. Methodology: This research is of a qualitative-phenomenological type, with a field and cross-sectional design. 7 relatives participated. For the data collection technique, the semi-structured interview divided by categories was used, with an approximate duration of 15 minutes during 3 continuous sessions, a prior informed consent signature was requested. Results: It manifests itself through 5 important categories: a sad event, facing a new path, coping with cancer, dealing with cancer symptoms, organizing to care, transformations of my life to overcome emotional burden and spiritual management. It was shown that female caregivers have little knowledge about activities related to feeding, cleaning, medication administration and pain management. Conclusion: A life of total dedication is manifested despite the lack of knowledge about the disease towards their relatives, informal caregivers together with the health area are responsible for ensuring the well-being and comfort in the patient, allowing trust between caregivers informal, nurse and patient accepting their reality, which is why a care plan is proposed for the orientation of the caregiver.
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