Validation of the Beck scales (anxiety and depression) in a border population (northern Mexico) during the COVID-19 pandemic
Depression, Anxiety, Instrument, PsychometryAbstract
The Beck Depression (BDI) and Anxiety (BAI) Inventories are among the most widely used psychometric instruments for psychotherapeutic diagnosis and research in various disciplines. The strategies used for its application are varied, as well, its structure and interpretation can be described in different ways. The objective of this work is to study the structure of the BAI and the BDI, performing a Factor Analysis and a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to measure its reliability, in an adaptation of the instrument made to be applied virtually in the Mexican population. In addition, descriptive data on the levels of anxiety and depression in the adult population of Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua are presented. The results corroborate that the model obtained from the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) for the BDI fits in the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) despite the elimination of an item that the scale originally had, this being crying. Finally, on the part of the BAI, despite having construct validity in the AEF, as occurred with other investigations, the factorial matrix was not corroborated with the CFA. The levels of depressive symptomatology are higher in the female population than in the male population, in the severe, moderate and mild levels, as opposed to the minimum that were the men. Hand in hand, but speaking of anxiety again in the groups of severe and moderate magnitude it is the women who present the highest percentage, on the other hand, in the mild and minimum levels, it is the men who surpassed the women.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Víctor Aníbal Hernández Hernández, Rafael Mauricio Marrufo , Oscar Armando Esparza Del Villar , Alejandro Jesús Robles Ramírez

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