Digital marketing a mix of strategies and tactics to achieve good results
Marketing, strategies, social networksAbstract
The objective of this research article is to analyze digital marketing, a mix of strategies and tactics to achieve good results through the systematic review of research works in order to expand the knowledge inherent to the subject in electronic sources. For this, a type of qualitative research was carried out, the method was analysis and the synthesis method; the type of research is documentary; the layout is bibliographic. The population was selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study units were made up of twenty (20) sources and the sample of six 06. The data collection technique was documentary observation and as for the instruments, the data record and electronic files were used. For the analysis, the content analysis technique was used, through the analysis matrix. It is concluded that the contributions of the authors indicate that the technological scenario is configured as the environment where business activities are developed mostly in the times that pass, therefore, having a well-defined marketing plan is crucial to help companies. to maintain and even grow in digital environments. Within the Marketing Mix strategies were those related to Transmedia, being that at present technology is a fundamental part of daily processes, in the same way that social networks do, which have achieved an impact on people.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alma Delia Sánchez Rodríguez , Teresa Isabel Mina Quiñónez , Diana Carolina Sánchez Rodríguez
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