Active strategies from the complexity and its effect on the education of students with NEE, in the City of Quito-Ecuador


  • Guadalupe Esperanza Andrade Rivera Vicerrectora Unidad Educativa Ing. Juan Suárez Chacón MINEDUC, Quito-Ecuador
  • Andrade Leones Lorena Elizabeth Docente de la Unidad Educativa Hortensia Vásquez Salvador MINEDUC, Santo Domingo-Ecuador
  • Betty Barberán Palacios Vicerrectora de la Unidad Educativa Hortensia Vásquez Salvador MINEDUC, Santo Domingo-Ecuador
  • Jisella Elizabeth Obando Paredes Rectora de la Unidad Educativa Saul'O, Quito, Ecuador
  • María Julia Cabascango Sánchez Coordinadora área de Inglés de la Unidad Educativa Saul'O, Quito, Ecuador



Education, educational needs, strategies, complexity


This article shows active strategies from the complexity and its effect on education in students with SEN, in the city of Quito, the same one that consisted in looking for alternative solutions to generate a true educational inclusion, to students who present SEN associated or not disability. The methodology applied was of an exploratory-descriptive and field type, where the collection of information was carried out through interviews with teachers, students and parents of a population of 2000 families, a sample of 780 people was taken. The results show that throughout the educational system there are students with SEN associated or not with disability, where 32% are from 6 to 9 students from a group of 45, 30% mention that they have from 1 to 3 students with SEN, 23% from 3 to 6 students. But the data that draws attention and worries is that 15% of teachers cannot identify how many students with SEN are in their classroom. It is concluded that many of the teachers do not have the required training in active strategies to be able to develop the classes in an inclusive manner, or in aspects of planning, adaptations and from their experience, since the DECE has several cases to attend to, which they do not allows you to develop a personalized guide for students with SEN.

Author Biographies

Guadalupe Esperanza Andrade Rivera , Vicerrectora Unidad Educativa Ing. Juan Suárez Chacón MINEDUC, Quito-Ecuador

Doctorado en Pensamiento Complejo, en Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin, México

Vicerrectora Unidad Educativa Ing. Juan Suárez Chacón MINEDUC, Quito-Ecuador

Andrade Leones Lorena Elizabeth, Docente de la Unidad Educativa Hortensia Vásquez Salvador MINEDUC, Santo Domingo-Ecuador

Licenciatura en Educación Básica, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador

Docente de la Unidad Educativa Hortensia Vásquez Salvador MINEDUC, Santo Domingo-Ecuador

Betty Barberán Palacios , Vicerrectora de la Unidad Educativa Hortensia Vásquez Salvador MINEDUC, Santo Domingo-Ecuador

Maestría en Educación Superior, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador

Vicerrectora de la Unidad Educativa Hortensia Vásquez Salvador MINEDUC, Santo Domingo-Ecuador

Jisella Elizabeth Obando Paredes, Rectora de la Unidad Educativa Saul'O, Quito, Ecuador

Magister en Educación, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ecuador

Rectora de la Unidad Educativa Saul'O Quito, Ecuador

María Julia Cabascango Sánchez, Coordinadora área de Inglés de la Unidad Educativa Saul'O, Quito, Ecuador

Máster Universitario en Liderazgo y Dirección de Centros Educativos, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, España.

Coordinadora área de Inglés de la Unidad Educativa Saul´O, Quito, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Andrade Rivera , G. E. ., Lorena Elizabeth, A. L. ., Barberán Palacios , B. ., Obando Paredes, J. E. ., & Cabascango Sánchez, M. J. . (2022). Active strategies from the complexity and its effect on the education of students with NEE, in the City of Quito-Ecuador. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(4), 324–332.



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