Propulsion system for a hybrid electric vehicle with energy storage by regenerative braking


  • Marco Julio Salazar Nájera Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador
  • José Luis Sampietro Saquicela Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador



Fuel cell, batteries, supercapacitors, storage, electric motor


Predictive control systems are widely used in industry today. The economic predictive control system allows to include in the cost function the data of each of the control subsystems. In the present work, using the economic predictive control methodology EMPC, two sources of energy storage such as supercapacitors and batteries are taken, which complement the hydrogen propulsion system by means of an electric motor. By using regenerative braking, the energy that would be converted into heat can be absorbed, and by fulfilling the power and energy equation, the driving profiles are met. Several scenarios are taken into account and the chosen profile for the light mass vehicle is the NEDC (new European driving cycle).  In the scenarios with different control weights, the profiles are fulfilled with each of the sources and the percentages of energy absorption are represented by the balance of forces.

Author Biographies

Marco Julio Salazar Nájera , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador

Maestría en Electricidad, Mención Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador

José Luis Sampietro Saquicela, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador

Maestría en Electricidad, Mención Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Salazar Nájera , M. J. ., & Sampietro Saquicela, J. L. . (2022). Propulsion system for a hybrid electric vehicle with energy storage by regenerative braking. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(6), 39–57.



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