Pertinence of postgraduate training in nursing professionals
postgraduate, nursing, nurses, researchAbstract
Introduction: Postgraduate training is a fundamental tool for nursing professionals and marks an essential point in overcoming both personal and intellectual, to demonstrate the quality of their work in the hospital setting and guarantee health care with academic training. dependable for users. Objective: To determine the need for postgraduate training in the nursing profession, in the same way to get to know the areas of interest in which the professional would be willing to do a postgraduate, master's or specialty. Method: the research corresponds to a cross-sectional study, with a quantitative and descriptive approach in the nursing professionals who work in the different services of the Hospital General Ambato IESS. The sample consisted of 130 graduate nurses. Results: Of the health professionals who participated in the research, the majority work as service nurses, and it was evidenced that not all of them have a fourth-level degree, through the surveys conducted, they indicate that they have a greater interest in studying in emergency. Conclusions: We can mention that their third level studies have been useful to conduct their work in their workplace, but in the same way, the need for training in nursing postgraduate courses whose objective is to contribute to the updating, deepening, improvement, and experience is confirmed. in the activities conducted by professionals to improve nursing care and in improving their job skills for the future.
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