Water resources management: an international literature review





Integrated Management, Water Resources, Governance, Water


The research aimed at systematically identifying and examining the available scientific evidence on the management of water resources in the basins of our planet, available in the EBSCO, Scopus, Science Direct, SciELO, ProQuest and Redalyc databases in English, Portuguese and Spanish for the last 5 years. Method: The databases were entered, searching for the term "water resources management", discarding articles that were not refereed and academic and had been published before 2016. As a result, it was evidenced that there is an urgent need of new paradigms to improve the management of water resources and for this, a decentralized authority on water must be consolidated. The research concludes that, the three pillars; economic, social and environmental must be articulated to achieve the consolidation of the Management of Water Resources, in addition; It can be affirmed that there are different sectors that supervise the management of water resources with shared regulations and overlapping responsibilities, even in conflict; which consolidates the state's water bureaucracy.

Author Biographies

Jhonny Gárate Ríos, Universidad Cesar Vallejo - Perú


Maestro en Gestión Financiera y Tributaria

Coordinador Administrativo de la Autoridad Administrativa del Agua Huallaga, Órgano Desconcentrado de la Autoridad Nacional del Agua. Perú.

Gabriela del Pilar Palomino Alvarado, Universidad Cesar Vallejo - Perú


Magister en Investigación y Docencia

Doctora en Gestión Universitaria


Tony Venancio Pereyra Gonzales, Universidad Cesar Vallejo - Perú

Licencia en Administración

Magister en Gestión Pública

Docente principal contratado de la Universidad César Vallejo. Perú

Froy Torres Delgado, Universidad Cesar Vallejo - Perú


Maestro en Gestión Ambiental

Doctor en Ciencias Ambientales

Docente contratado Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Perú


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How to Cite

Gárate Ríos, J., Palomino Alvarado, G. del P. ., Pereyra Gonzales, T. V. ., & Torres Delgado, F. (2021). Water resources management: an international literature review. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 186–199. https://doi.org/10.51798/sijis.v2i1.49