Electrical energy from industrial wastewater in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Electric power, wastewater, technologies, investmentAbstract
The general objective of this study contemplates the analysis of the different advances that exist today in terms of the use of industrial wastewater in the processes of obtaining energy. The methodology was framed in the quantitative paradigm, under descriptive research with a field design and with elements of a bibliographical documentary study. The study sample was made up of 08 subjects. To collect the information, a survey was applied through a questionnaire specially prepared for this purpose to a group of professionals from the Guayaquil Municipal Drinking Water and Sewerage Company (EMAPAG-EP), who gave their informed consent to participate in the study. The results show that 50% considered that the city has adequate infrastructure for wastewater treatment; 37.5% considered that the city's industrial wastewater treatment is adequate in environmental terms; 62.5% agreed with the use of innovative technologies and methods to generate electricity from industrial wastewater and 87.5% considered that energy from biogas is helping to take advantage of the energy potential of organic matter in wastewater industrial. It was concluded that Ecuador is making considerable efforts to minimize the impact of environmental pollution brought about by industrial wastewater and in this sense, specifically in the city of Guayaquil, it has promoted investment projects in treatment plants, in addition to promoting the generation of energy from wastewater, particularly biogas.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Byron Fernando Chere-Quiñónez, Raúl Clemente Ulloa-de Souza, Luis Jheovanny Reyna-Tenorio, María Elizabeth Canchingre-Bone, Guillermo Alfredo Mosquera-Quintero

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