Prospects for a new industrial policy agenda: the challenges for Brazilian industry in the post-Covid-19 pandemic
Industrial policy; development; pandemic; Covid-19.Abstract
This research aims to investigate the importance of industrial policies for the recovery and economic development of Brazil in the post-Covid-19 pandemic. To this end, it starts from theoretical and historical foundations of industrial policy and industrial processes, especially as a development strategy. From this, we seek to evaluate the challenges that the Brazilian industry has faced in recent years until the current situation. Brazil has shown a significant decline in industrial activity in recent decades. As a result, one can see losses in the capacity for innovation and competitiveness, as well as technological and productive dependence of the Brazilian industry. In the same way, with the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, the industrial impact has highlighted issues related to insufficient production in several sectors, especially in the health area. The Brazilian industrial policy agenda needs to be focused on the transformation of the industrial structure, with increased productive gains, supported by new technologies and the diversification of sectors and activities that have greater economic value. The dynamics of the industrial sector is an instrument for the long-term development of the country and for overcoming the post-pandemic economic recession.
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