Pumping system for irrigation using hydraulic ram in isolated sectors of the province of Manabí
water hammer pump, hydraulic water hammer, pump characteristics, water hammer, renewable energies, numerical model, pumping, pump.Abstract
The operating characteristics of the water hammer pump (hydraulic ram) have been the subject of an analytical study while certain parameters have been determined experimentally. System efficiency, pumping capacity, hydraulic pump power and cycle time were obtained using a simple numerical model. The comparison between the experimental results and those of the numerical model provided good correlations with respect to the efficiency of the pump and its flow rate. On the other hand, the hydraulic power as well as the cycle duration were not predicted with much precision, but it was possible to detect trends. The numerical model also showed that high valve losses should be avoided. Also, the speed in the supply line at which the reject valve begins to close is the dominant factor that controls the operation of the ram. Finally, it was shown that the theoretical model could be used in the design of hydraulic rams, in the prediction of the behavior of the ram in a given installation and for the selection of suitable sites for the use of a hydraulic ram.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Betty Magdalena Forti Torres, César Bernabé Cevallos Reyes

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