Violent cartoon series and their incidence in aggressive behavior in preschool
Cartoons, child violence, behavior, school performanceAbstract
The research aimed to demonstrate how Tic affects the academic performance of students in online modality in the Universities of Guayaquil. Logical, deductive and inductive historical methods were applied to guide the investigative process. The study is non-experimental, it assumes a causal correlational design, it developed the survey technique, two questionnaires with ordinal scale responses were validated. The study population corresponds to 36 teachers. The correlational results showed that the values of sig 0.012 and Spearman's correlation is 0.414, confirming the researcher's hypothesis. The research concludes by stating that there are insufficiencies in the information and communication technology variables with respect to the academic performance of the students investigated.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Martiana Zahori Hidalgo Maldonado, Juan Alfredo Martínez Lalangui, Betty Tatiana Maldonado Vélez, Cristina Evelina Hidalgo Maldonado
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