Evaluation of chemical risks for the control of aromatic hydrocarbons in the fuel area of the Provincial Council of Esmeraldas - Ecuador
Chemical Risk; exposition; aromatic hydrocarbon; t,t-muconic acid.Abstract
The general objective of this investigation is to determine the level of chemical risk due to aromatic hydrocarbons in the Fuel Area of the Provincial Council of Esmeraldas in the year 2020. The investigation was framed in the mixed paradigm, of an analytical and prospective transversal nature. The sample was made up of a total of 10 workers. The study was carried out in two phases: the first of qualitative type determined by means of a survey and the application of the COSHH ESSENTALS method (for the evaluation of chemical agents taking as reference the Technical Notes of Prevention, NTP: 935 and 936 of the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work (insst) ; and the second quantitative phase where laboratory analyzes of biomarkers were carried out: Creatinine and t, t-muconic acid in urine samples, taken at the end of the working day from the workers. of the operational area. According to the COSHH ESSENTIALS method, it was determined that the chemical agent evaluated has a potential risk level of 4, for which a quantitative evaluation was carried out. As results of the quantitative evaluation, it was found that creatinine levels are in the range of 45-146 mg/dL and the maximum allowed limit is 39-259 mg/dL, and for t,t-muconic acid they are in the range of 0.21 to 0.31 mg/L and the max limit imo allowed is up to 2 mg/L. It is important to consider that the creatinine level in field personnel is higher than in island dispatchers. This difference occurs because field dispatchers are more exposed to heat and are not well hydrated. It is concluded that the chemical risk due to benzene is not considerable in the area of fuels of the Provincial Council of Esmeraldas.
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