Analysis of the internet of things for the automation of the agricultural field: a case study in Milagro Ecuador
loT system, crop monitoring, automation.Abstract
The Internet is one of the most important phenomena that, together with the evolution of technological devices, has shown that people can control and monitor things from other places. All this has allowed those who are dedicated to agriculture, to think about incorporating these elements into agricultural work to improve the quality and productivity of their crops. The following analysis tries to demonstrate the feasibility of using the Internet in the operating systems of the agricultural sector with the use of sensors that, through programming on the NodeMCU board, send data to a free Internet of Things platform or IoT (for its acronym in English), and with the help of a bot created in Telegram, the person can receive messages about the status of the plantation soil and perform irrigation when necessary through this command programming. In addition, documentary research was carried out with the purpose of giving a theoretical foundation, as well as a survey of 50 farmers and 10 companies that distribute inputs and technological devices for the agricultural field, with the intention of knowing if they are using IoT and automation of processes.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ivette Martillo Alchundia, Sonnia Viviana Gómez Pereira, Alberto Yitzak Lozano Sacoto
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