Intervention strategies of parents of asthmatic children with anatomic educational model
Asthma, Child Health, Overlearning Education, Prevention & ControlAbstract
Introduction: Childhood asthma is a reversible chronic disease that can be controlled with proper parental education. Objective: to carry out an educational intervention that develops superlearning for the control of asthma in parents and guardians using anatomical models. Methods: qualitative research, using the ethnographic method, with the focus group technique, made up of 12 mothers of asthmatic children, divided into 2 groups: with good and bad control of the symptoms, carried out in the waiting rooms of the Health Center No. 1 and the Nursing Career of the Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. The following were used as educational models: the three-dimensional model of the three tubes, a model of a mite with its eggs, a room called incorrect with the triggers at a scale of 1:20 and a room called correct where the triggers were eliminated. a scale of 1:20. Results: parents interpreted the importance of bronchial inflammation, differentiated maintenance and rescue therapy with the demonstration of its pharmacological effect with the three-tube model, identified the triggers in the wrong room, consolidated the environmental control of the Asthma triggers through the right room. Conclusion: The educational models promoted superlearning in the parents of asthmatic children, allowing their active participation in inhaled therapy and environmental control.
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