Nursing care plan for post-surgical hip arthroplasty patients




Nursing care, arthroplasty, hip, postoperative period, patient care


Introduction: Arthroplasty is the replacement of the hip in the upper part of the femur and the socket of the acetabulum through a surgery that is orthopedics, providing nursing care resulting in effectiveness in improving the quality of life of the patient. Objective: To implement a nursing care plan oriented to a patient undergoing surgery for a hip arthroplasty. Method: This is a qualitative, descriptive and analytical research, under the case study design, obeying the systematic methodology of the nursing process, responding to five stages in systematic order: assessment, diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation, the study population. it focused on a post-surgical hip arthroplasty patient and data collection was carried out through observation, physical examination and review of clinical history. Results: Six altered functional patterns were identified, of which 3 were prioritized to carry out the process of diagnosis and planning of nursing activities. Conclusions: The development of a nursing care plan directed towards post-surgical hip arthroplasty patients allows to systematize the interventions, responding to a holistic care focused on the needs of the patient.

Author Biographies

Rosario Elizabeth Abril Beltrán, Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Hospital General Docente Ambato-Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Mery Susana Rodríguez Gamboa , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Hospital General Docente Ambato-Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Beatriz Venegas Mera , Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Hospital General Docente Ambato- Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Gloria Teresa Calero Lozada, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Hospital General Docente Ambato-Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


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How to Cite

Abril Beltrán, R. E. ., Rodríguez Gamboa , M. S. ., Venegas Mera , B. ., & Calero Lozada, G. T. . (2022). Nursing care plan for post-surgical hip arthroplasty patients. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(8), 50–61.



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