Informality and tax evasion in the SMEs of the district of Santo Tomas, Cutervo, Cajamarca – 2021




informality, evasion and tax culture


The investigation was called informality and tax evasion in the MYPES of the district of Santo Tomas, Cutervo, Cajamarca - 2021; the objective being to find the relationship between the variables informality and tax evasion; for which the applied type research was used, being the non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational level design, the technique being the survey and the instruments the questionnaires; the sample was made up of 78 entrepreneurs, it was found that between the variables there is a relationship index of 0.50, this being moderate, it can also be seen that the relationship is significant since the significance is less than 0.01; Therefore, it is concluded that there is a relationship between the variables and that the improvements made in one will directly affect the other.

Author Biographies

Ciro Vásquez Tapia, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Moyobamba, Perú

Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Moyobamba, Perú

Keidy Maely Vásquez Baca, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Moyobamba, Perú

Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Moyobamba, Perú


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How to Cite

Vásquez Tapia, C., & Vásquez Baca, K. M. (2022). Informality and tax evasion in the SMEs of the district of Santo Tomas, Cutervo, Cajamarca – 2021. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(9), 16–31.



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