Digital competence in the training of mathematics teachers
ICT; ICT digital competence; Math.Abstract
The advancement of information and communication technologies (ICT) is unstoppable, affecting the different areas in which we operate as members of a society, including the educational field. Now more than ever it is necessary that we incorporate digital tools into the teaching-learning processes that allow the internment of students in the different subjects, such as mathematics. The objective of this article is to analyze the level of digital teaching competence, taking as a reference the Common Framework for Digital Teaching Competence developed by the National Institute of Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF, 2017) in the master's degree students in mathematics. modeling and teaching offered by the Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas Technical University (UTLVTE). The study has a descriptive non-experimental quantitative approach whose sample is made up of 30 master teachers in the area of mathematics at middle and higher levels. The results in the first instance show that despite the fact that most of the teachers have a medium level of digital competence, that is to say that they know the operation of applications, they do not use it as tools for the development of their classes.
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