Obesity before and after the pandemic in children aged five to fifteen years.





COVID 19, obesity, pandemic, pediatrics, behavioral changes


Obesity is a worldwide health problem that affects any age group, including the pediatric population. A relationship between increased obesity and the COVID-19 pandemic is suggested, because in order to limit the spread of the virus, most countries adopted measures of social distancing and overcrowding, which forced the entire population to sudden and drastic lifestyle changes. Aim: To establish through a literature review a view on obesity in children aged 5-15 years before and after the COVID 19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: A literature review of meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials and systematic literature reviews obtained from PubMed and academic Google, published from 2018 to 2022, was conducted. Results: The overall prevalence of obesity increased from 13.7% to 15.4%. Metabolic syndrome and orthopedic complications were among the most important complications. Discussion: In the two years of the pandemic, sedentary lifestyles and poor diet increased, schoolchildren and adolescents ignored physical activity and recreational activities, and those children who already suffered from obesity had more problems in adhering to treatment. Conclusion: in Latin America the obesity rate has increased since 2018, however, an upturn was observed during the COVID 19 pandemic, but there is still a lack of information and data updating.

Author Biography

Priscila Elizabeth Philco Toaza, Universidad Técnica de Ambato- Ecuador

Docente. Universidad Técnica de Ambato- Ecuador


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How to Cite

Philco Toaza, P. E. . (2022). Obesity before and after the pandemic in children aged five to fifteen years. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(8), 237–249. https://doi.org/10.51798/sijis.v3i8.581



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