Alternative therapies applied to oncological patients for pain management
alternative therapies, cancer pain, palliative careAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Alternative therapies consist of a set of techniques and methods used for the treatment or prevention of diseases, especially in the mind, body and person, providing a balance between the environment and the cancer patient. OBJECTIVE: Analyze the application of alternative therapies in cancer patients for pain management. METHODOLOGY: This is a qualitative, cross-sectional bibliographic review, based on articles found in indexed journals of great academic prestige. The analysis of the information aims to publicize each of the alternative therapies that are used in a cancer patient to treat pain. DISCUSSION: Each of the alternative therapies that have been more effective in relieving pain, such as acupuncture and therapeutic massage, are mentioned in comparison to the others; which are based on managing pain in cancer patients and other symptoms during the course of conventional treatment. CONCLUSION: Each said therapy has its own advantages, from which it is concluded that alternative therapies are effective for pain management in patients with oncological diseases despite the fact that there is little scientific evidence.
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