Perception and knowledge of rotating interns about the SOAPIER format in the nursing registers




Perception, knowledge, interns, nursing, SOAPIER


Background: The use of SOAPIER data registers is part of the problem-oriented medical record data system, that explains the difficulties of patients. Objective: To determine the perception and knowledge of rotating interns about the SOAPIER data in the nursing register. Methods: Quantitative and descriptive approach, structured by 107 rotating interns who work in 4 hospitals in the zone 3 of Ecuador. The data collection done through the application of a survey that consisted of two dimensions, the first called perception structured by 6 items and the second knowledge that consist of 4 items, the consistency of the instrument is trough Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient which value was of 0.815. Results: Concerning the perception dimension, for 92.59% of rotating interns, the application of the SOAPIER data register is useful; for 74.07%, this registry permitted to emphasize on the interventions and evaluations performed in nursing; In addition, 51.85% consider it as a satisfactory tool. On the other hand, in the knowledge dimension, 51.9% of nursing interns have information about the SOAPIER format, its applicable, effective and unique; Conclusions: The SOAPIER format is described by being an significant instrument for the growth of rotating nursing interns, allowing the information to be consider in a logical, organized and ethical order, thus making it possible to provide quality healthcare.

Author Biographies

Michelle Lizbeth Moya Constante , Technical University of Ambato (UTA), Ecuador

Nursing degree researcher - Technical University of Ambato (UTA), Ecuador

Grace Pamela López Pérez, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Professor at Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. Master's Degree in Direction and Management of Nursing Units


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How to Cite

Moya Constante , M. L. ., & López Pérez, G. P. . (2023). Perception and knowledge of rotating interns about the SOAPIER format in the nursing registers. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1), e23010.



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