Perception and knowledge of rotating interns about the SOAPIER format in the nursing registers
Perception, knowledge, interns, nursing, SOAPIERAbstract
Background: The use of SOAPIER data registers is part of the problem-oriented medical record data system, that explains the difficulties of patients. Objective: To determine the perception and knowledge of rotating interns about the SOAPIER data in the nursing register. Methods: Quantitative and descriptive approach, structured by 107 rotating interns who work in 4 hospitals in the zone 3 of Ecuador. The data collection done through the application of a survey that consisted of two dimensions, the first called perception structured by 6 items and the second knowledge that consist of 4 items, the consistency of the instrument is trough Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient which value was of 0.815. Results: Concerning the perception dimension, for 92.59% of rotating interns, the application of the SOAPIER data register is useful; for 74.07%, this registry permitted to emphasize on the interventions and evaluations performed in nursing; In addition, 51.85% consider it as a satisfactory tool. On the other hand, in the knowledge dimension, 51.9% of nursing interns have information about the SOAPIER format, its applicable, effective and unique; Conclusions: The SOAPIER format is described by being an significant instrument for the growth of rotating nursing interns, allowing the information to be consider in a logical, organized and ethical order, thus making it possible to provide quality healthcare.
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