Stimulation for psychomotor and language development in children under five years of age who attend the "Sendero de Alegría" rehabilitation center
Stimulation, psychomotor development, language dimensionsAbstract
The application of the Language Therapy and Physical Therapy program for children who attend the "Sendero de Alegría" Rehabilitation Center, the general objective was to apply a Language Therapy and Physical Therapy program for children under five years of age. who attend the aforementioned Rehabilitation Center located in the Orillas del Zamora park in the City of Loja, where with the help of the analytical, descriptive, deductive and synthetic method, it is possible to have a clear idea of the psychomotor development of how the acquisition of experiences and their generalization by the child, begins from the moment of birth. The simplest conditioned reflexes that are formed in children from the first days of life and encompasses comprehension, communication and behavior skills, all united to achieve the motor, cognitive, social and language development of the child where the latter is a complex function. that allows expressing and perceiving affective states, concepts, ideas, etc., through acoustic or graphic signs. To obtain information regarding the issue raised, instruments were applied such as: Clinical History, which was addressed to parents; The Psychomotor Evaluation, Articulation Examination Sheet, was carried out with the children to diagnose the psychomotor and language problem they have, this information allowed to reach the diagnosis and develop an individual program for each patient, taking as a sample for the development of the descriptive-explanatory research to 5 children.
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Copyright (c) 2023 María Fernanda Ortiz-Guevara , María del Pilar Herrera Vega , Jonathan Patricio Fajardo Fajardo , Rosa Clemencia Orozco Remache

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