New trends in the use of computer tools for teaching-learning in health
Medical Informatics; Health Education; Virtual reality; Artificial intelligence; Online LearningAbstract
Introduction: Computer tools have revolutionized health sciences education, allowing students and professionals to acquire knowledge and skills more effectively. This study analyzes new trends in using computer tools for teaching-learning in Health. Objective: Analyze new trends in using computer tools for teaching-learning in Health. Methodology: A systematic review was carried out using the PRISMA method. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select relevant articles published between 2020 and 2024 in English and Spanish. Search engines such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Elsevier and SciELO were used. The extracted data were organized in tables with indicators such as title, authors, year, design, results and interpretation. Results: Various computer tools used in health education were identified, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, gamification, social networks and online learning platforms. These tools demonstrated improvements in knowledge acquisition, clinical skills, student satisfaction, and engagement. However, challenges were identified such as the need for teacher training, technological infrastructure, and ethical considerations. Furthermore, methodological limitations were found in many studies. Conclusions: This systematic review analyzed new trends in using computer tools for teaching-learning in Health. The findings suggest that these tools have great potential to improve medical education, but their effective adoption requires addressing challenges such as teacher training, infrastructure, and ethical issues. More robust research is needed, especially in developing countries, to consolidate the evidence and guide new technologies
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