Non-compliance causes with the vaccination schedule in children under 5 years of age




vaccine; immunization schedule; public health; disease prevention; immunization.


Background: The immunization is a very important process for the organism of the human body, since in this process the body becomes resistant to various pathologies caused by viruses and bacteria. Vaccines are administered from the first days of life to acquire defenses in the body and fight diseases successfully. Objective: Analyze the causes of non-compliance with the vaccination schedule of children under 5 years in San Bartolomé de Pinllo. Methods: A quantitative approach of descriptive scope of cross-sectional design was used, with a sample of 45 parents or caretakers of children. A questionnaire consisting of 15 questions was used with a Cronbach's alpha reliability of 0.99%. Results: The incomplete vaccination schedule in children under 5 years in San Bartolomé de Pinllo was determined due to sociodemographic, institutional, and cognitive causes. Conclusions: This investigation allowed us to determine the percentage of children under 5 years who have an incomplete vaccination schedule and the reasons for non-compliance. However, it is necessary to provide information to the children's caretakers about the importance of vaccinations.

Author Biographies

Mará Belén Carvajal Bustos, Technical University of Ambato (UTA), Ecuador

Nursing degree researcher - Technical University of Ambato (UTA), Ecuador

Ana Lucia Jiménez Peralta, Technical University of Ambato (UTA) Ecuador

Professor at Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. Master's Degree in Direction and Management of Nursing Units.


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How to Cite

Carvajal Bustos, M. B. ., & Jiménez Peralta, A. L. . (2023). Non-compliance causes with the vaccination schedule in children under 5 years of age. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1), e23019.



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