Nursing experiences in the prevention of complications before extubation of the neonatal patient




Extubation, neonates, mechanical ventilation, complications, prevention, morbidity and mortality, nursing, experiences


Introduction: Extubation is a critical procedure in the care of neonates requiring mechanical ventilation. The prevention of complications during this process is essential to guarantee favorable results and reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality. Objective: To categorize the nursing experiences in the prevention of complications before the extubation of the newborn. Method: The research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The triangulation of the information was carried out based on the position of the authors, a critical review of the existing literature and the experiences of 8 nurses from an Ecuadorian Public Hospital. Results: Based on the application of the Demaziére D. and Dubar C. methodology and the tabulation of information through data saturation using SPSS, it was possible to determine 3 categories subdivided into 7 subcategories: 3 focused on the identification of risk factors based on experience, 3 related to the establishment of specific care protocols and the improvement of education and training, and 1 aimed at identifying best practices and contributing to scientific progress in this area. Conclusion: Nursing experiences play a crucial role in the prevention of complications during extubation and advocate for the implementation of evidence-based strategies to improve neonatal outcomes.

Author Biographies

Joselyn Gabriela Chisaguano Llamuca, Technical University of Ambato (UTA), Ecuador

Nursing degree researcher - Technical University of Ambato (UTA), Ecuador

Verónica Sofía Quenorán Almeida, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Professor at Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. Master's Degree in Direction and Management of Nursing Units.


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How to Cite

Chisaguano Llamuca, J. G., & Quenorán Almeida, V. S. (2023). Nursing experiences in the prevention of complications before extubation of the neonatal patient. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(SI1), e23032.