Coping strategies and quality of life in primary caregivers of cancer patients




coping strategies; quality of life; primary caregivers; cancer patients


The primary caregivers of a cancer patient are essential in the recovery and fight against cancer, which is why there is a high risk that they present deterioration in their physical and mental health due to the innumerable amount of activities focused clearly on the patient that as a consequence put aside self-care to drastically change your daily activities. Objective: To determine coping strategies and quality of life in primary caregivers of cancer patients. Methodology: Corresponds to the quantitative, descriptive, correlational cross-sectional approach to establish the dimension of quality of life in primary caregivers of cancer patients through a descriptive survey of the quality of life test that addresses the physical, emotional, cognitive and social dimensions that influence the daily performance of the primary caregiver. Results: From the application of the Quality of Life Test, it was obtained in the sociodemographic characteristics that women with 58% in an age range of 28 to 37 years are mostly the primary caregivers of cancer patients, in terms of health status. In general, 70% of the caregivers consider themselves to be in good physical and mental condition, however, with the passage of time, considerable deterioration was observed in the caregivers of patients with a longer fight against cancer. Conclusions: Informal caregivers also require medical attention and psychological evaluation because they are the ones who face all the requirements of a cancer patient.

Author Biographies

Erika Vanessa Mise Santo, Technical University of Ambato (UTA), Ecuador

Nursing degree researcher - Technical University of Ambato (UTA), Ecuador

Verónica Paulina Herrera Calderón, Technical University of Ambato (UTA), Ecuador

Professor at Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. International Master's (MBA) in Management of Health Institutions.


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How to Cite

Mise Santo, E. V. ., & Herrera Calderón, V. P. . (2023). Coping strategies and quality of life in primary caregivers of cancer patients. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(SI1), e23035.