Virtual university education: opportunities to respond to current changes and challenges
Virtual Education, University, Social Changes, ChallengesAbstract
Virtual education at the university has become a reference to undertake actions with great contributions to current higher education. In relation to this, the general objective of this study was to analyze virtual university education as an opportunity to respond to current changes. To this end, a review of a series of research works related to the subject was carried out. From the methodological point of view, content analysis was used, through a documentary-bibliographic review of studies published in recent years; however, information from previous years, considered of value for this research, was also taken into account. For the compilation of information sources, the Internet database of reliable specialized academic sites was used. The most relevant results show that virtual education in higher education is a valuable tool that offers multiple possibilities for the development of the teaching-learning process in an environment consonant with today's educational demands. It is concluded that the incorporation of the virtual university education approach as a process of learning facilitation in national universities, contributes to the necessary transformation that the current reality imposes in terms of what corresponds to the university academic formation of a quality, competent graduate, who responds to the demands of the highly changing and demanding environment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Graciela Geannina Ordóñez-Ortiz, Jackson Arturo Manchay-Orbea , Jenny Johanna Palacios-González, Jhonathan Xavier Cuenca-Mera, Juan Carlos Manchay-Orbea

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