Role of nursing in patients receiving chemotherapy
Nursing Staff, Chemotherapy, Nursing careAbstract
Introduction: Treatment with chemotherapy is the most widely used in almost all types of neoplasms, however, the side effects that it triggers affect the patient's style and quality of life, for this reason the nursing staff must know what their intervention should be with these patients. Objective: To analyze the role played by the nursing staff in patients receiving chemotherapy. Methodology: A study was carried out with a qualitative, descriptive approach, non-experimental design, the databases used included search engines such as Scopus, PubMed, eJournals, Google Scholar and Trip Database, Scielo, Ocronos). A total of 27 articles are included. Results: Nursing care for patients undergoing cytostatic therapy must be comprehensive from a holistic approach. In which it allows to cope with activities that are of the utmost importance for the patient such as reducing the risk of phlebitis and extravasation, controlling nausea and vomiting, informing about side effects. In this way it provides physical, emotional, psychological, and practical support. Conclusion: The nursing role is one of the most essential pillars when providing the care required by cancer patients, allowing maintaining the integrity of the skin, achieving optimal nutritional status, attending to the emotional spheres of the patient, reducing the degree of duration of diarrhoea, correct medication administration and effective communication.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Amanda Yadira Analuisa Sisalema, Jhoana Estefanía Yazuma Robayo, Laura Fernanda Villa Solís, María Fernanda Navas Valdez , Jessica Elizabeth Aguiar Ibañez

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