Alterations in neurodevelopment and brain damage in neonates
Neurodevelopmental alterations, neonates, brain damage, prematurityAbstract
Background: During fetal and neonatal development, the fetus's brain is in a critical growth development phase, making it susceptible to alterations that affect its correct functioning. These alterations occur more frequently in preterm neonates or in those whose mothers have presented a pathology during their gestation period or their age. Objective: Search for information about alterations in neurodevelopment and brain damage in neonates. Methodology: The research was conducted through a scientific bibliographic review answering the research question; databases such as Google Academic, Scielo, Dialnet, Scopus, and Pubmed were used to collect information. Results: 15 investigations were obtained as results, and after applying the different filters, only 3 met the information required for this investigation and were updated. Discussion: These alterations occur in the first instance due to prematurity, followed by the age of the mother and pathologies that can occur during pregnancy, being a problem for which neonates are referred to the intensive care unit. Conclusion: Early detection of alterations that may occur in neonates is of vital importance since when this does not happen in the neonate, it can cause disabilities throughout their life, such as cerebral palsy and even death.
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